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Fannie Mae's Condo Blacklist: A Guide for NC Real Estate Agents

Writer's picture: SkylineSkyline

The real estate market is brimming with opportunities and challenges, one such challenge is the undisclosed condo blacklist maintained by Fannie Mae.

This blacklist contains condominium developments where Fannie Mae refuses to purchase mortgages, posing a significant hurdle for both sellers and potential buyers. As real estate agents in North Carolina, understanding the implications of this list and guiding your clients effectively is essential.

The Silent Gatekeepers of the Mortgage Market

Fannie Mae, along with its sister organization Freddie Mac, plays a crucial role in the US mortgage market, packaging and selling mortgages to investors. Their involvement makes it easier for individuals with lower credit scores or minimal down payments to secure loans. However, the secretive nature of the condo blacklist places many stakeholders in a precarious position, especially when they discover this barrier late in the transaction process.

The Blacklist Chronicles

The blacklist isn't publicly disclosed but is shared with mortgage lenders monthly, under a strict confidentiality agreement. While the criteria for blacklisting a condo development are not explicitly stated, it appears to be related to significant deferred maintenance, structural issues, or legal and financial problems within the condominium association. The list has seen a significant expansion post the tragic Surfside incident in Florida, indicating a more stringent approach towards condo development evaluation.

NC General Contractor CE Deadline: 11/30/23

Unlocking the Blacklist Enigma: A Step-By-Step Guide

For real estate agents, the key takeaway is the necessity of proactive communication with the lenders involved in a transaction, especially if your client is eyeing a condo property. It's imperative to discuss the potential implications of Fannie Mae's blacklist with the lender, to ensure that the transaction doesn't hit an unforeseen roadblock. Here's a step-by-step guide to navigate through this:

  1. Educate Yourself and Your Clients: Make sure you and your clients are well-informed about the existence of Fannie Mae's condo blacklist and its potential implications on the transaction.

  2. Engage with Lenders Early: Establish a dialogue with the lenders to understand if the condo in question is on the blacklist. Although lenders are under a non-disclosure obligation, Fannie Mae does allow lenders to let their clients know if a property they are interested in is on the list. Having a candid conversation may yield useful insights.

  3. Explore Alternative Financing Options: In case the desired condo is on the blacklist, guide your clients towards alternative financing options that aren’t tied to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

  4. Advocate for Transparency: Join industry associations and groups advocating for more transparency from Fannie Mae regarding the blacklist, which will ultimately benefit all stakeholders involved.

  5. Stay Updated: Keep yourself updated on any changes in Fannie Mae's policies or any public disclosures that might happen in the future regarding the condo blacklist.

Real estate transactions can be complex, and the undisclosed condo blacklist adds another layer of complexity to it. However, with the right approach and thorough communication with lenders, you can guide your clients through a smooth transaction process, ensuring they land their dream home sans unexpected hurdles.

Have you dealt with clients who struggle to get financing for a condo or townhome? Let us know how you overcame it in the comments below or in an upcoming CE Class!


Morrison, J. (2023, November 1). Fannie Mae keeps a secret condo blacklist. Why? The Boston Globe.

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